TTC options

What can I do here ?

Our custom-made libraries, prompt engineered AI, and logical decryption enable Users to perform a wide range of tasks using NLP at the moment. These tasks include:

  • Generating 3D objects

  • Controlling size, rotation, position, animation, texture, color, collider, gravity, and physics

  • Managing object dynamics, duplication, activation, and movement relative to other objects

  • Adjusting lighting, intensity, color, and range

  • Interacting with various elements within the environment

These capabilities essentially allow Users to execute most commands or requests that they would normally use in an editor mode. While the list provided is not exhaustive, it serves as a solid example of the range of tasks that can be performed. All of the elements generated in the TTC mode can be manipulated in various ways, albeit limited by certain physical logics inherent to both the actual system and the web-based model.

Last updated