
As the Company's metaverse expands, we ought to build multiple levels/scenes, each with a specific theme and requirement for the user. Major scenes include:

  1. Genesis, which is the creation of the whole metaverse and is exited through a blackhole, a plane suspended between ether above the earth. From there the user can travel to various levels that follow a specific theme.

  2. Politecnico di Milano has two of the levels which reflect a collaboration between a lab, museum and a company.

  3. Autonomous driving is another level which reflects the work and research of a PhD candidate from Politecnico di Milano.

  4. Text-to-Comand Level.

A new upgrade will be released by July, with which users can automatically showcase their work through our platform. Their information such as login credentials, history, interactions, designs, and creations will be stored over AWS.;

Last updated